
Severance Agreements

In New York, employees are generally employed “at will,” meaning that they can be terminated for any reason or no reason at all – with limited exceptions.  Those exceptions are generally confined to situations where an employee is protected by a contract or has a claim of wrongful discharge that is covered by the discrimination laws.  But in handling severance negotiations and agreements, practical considerations, as well as the legal landscape, play a big part in the negotiation strategy.

At Pechman Law Group, we have experience representing executives in hundreds of separation cases across all types of industries.  We have negotiated employment separation agreements for CEOs of companies and Managing Directors on Wall Street, but also often review separation agreements that are provided to employees in mass layoff situations. In general, the law does not require employers to provide employees with severance pay. Indeed, it is a surprise to most employees that no matter how long you worked for an organization, there is no federal or state law that requires an employer to provide severance pay.  But, but, but… that does not mean there are no ways to negotiate an acceptable exit package for our clients.

Our approach to negotiating separation agreements focuses on the practical aspects of employment relationships, as well as examining types of practical leverage, if any, available for the negotiations.  Sometimes our role is simply to stay in the background and guide our clients; other situations may call for us to aggressively advocate a legal claim.  Either way, we see our primary goal as protecting the reputation of our client and obtaining the most favorable economic package that is possible under the circumstances, so that our client may move on.




Frequently Asked Questions

No. It is a surprise to most employees that no matter how long you worked for an organization, there is no federal or state law that requires an employer to provide severance pay.
The OWBPA is a federal law that sets minimum standards for an employee waiver of the right to sue for age discrimination (an individual over 40 years old). the OWBPA requires that these waivers: be written in a manner understandable to the average person in the program this waiver is being offered in; not cover any rights or claims that an employee may discover are available after they sign the document, and it must specify that it covers their rights under the ADEA; advise the employee, in writing, that they have the right to consult an attorney before signing the waiver; and give the employee twenty one days to consider and seven days to revoke the agreement.

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