
Union-Management Relations

Pechman Law Group assists employers in responding to union organization campaigns and navigating the day-to-day challenges of operating with a labor union in the workplace.  We provide companies support with contract interpretation, grievance resolution, and arbitration.  We have an excellent reputation within the union-management world, viewed as honest brokers and skilled negotiators.

Lou Pechman was a Field Examiner for the National Labor Relations Board, where he handled the entire spectrum of unfair labor practice and union representation cases.  In his previous role as Labor Counsel for the New York Daily News, Lou worked with 11 different trade unions, negotiated collective bargaining agreements and arbitrated union grievances.  Lou has handled over 100 arbitrations, structured successful union avoidance campaigns, litigated unfair labor practice cases at the NLRB, and negotiated collective bargaining agreements in a variety of industries.

There is currently a wave of union organizing activities across the country. The rules about the “do’s and don’ts” when a union organizes a business are complex and counterintuitive. Pechman Law Group is one of the few New York City law firms experienced in traditional labor relations counseling and advice for employers when a union comes to a business to organize workers.

Frequently Asked Questions

Positive employee/employer relations and communications are often the key to blunting a union organizing drive. However, when a union comes into the picture, a company has to be extremely careful that it communicates with its employees, without threats, coercion, or intimidation.
If at least 30 percent of the workers in a proposed bargaining unit sign cards or a petition stating they want a union, the NLRB will conduct a secret ballot election.

How Can We Help?

How can we help?

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